Recursively Defined Functions
- A recursive or inductive definition of a function
- two steps
- Basis Step: f(0)
- Recursive Step:
- 더 작은 integers(k-1, k-2)로 integer(k)의 값을 찾는 규칙 제공
- Ex)
- Basis Step: f(0) = 3
- Recursive Step: f(n+1) = 2f(n) +3
- Fibonacci Numbers
- Basis Step: f0 = 0, f1 = 1
- Recursive Step: fn = fn-1 + fn-2 for n>=2
Recursively Defined Sets
- Basis Step: initial collection ∈ S
- Recursive Step:
- 이미 집합에 있는 것으로 알려진 요소로부터 집합에 새로운 요소를 형성하는 규칙 제공
- Ex)
- Basis Step: 3 ∈ S
- Recursive Step:
- x∊S ∧ y∊S → x+y ∈S
- Strings
- Σ: Set of symbols
- Σ*: Set of strings
- Basis Step: λ ∊ Σ* (λ = empty string)
- Recursive Step:
- w ∈ Σ* ∧ x ∈ Σ → wx ∈ Σ*
- Ex)
- Σ = {0,1}
- Σ* = {λ,0,1, 00,01,10, 11…}
Recursively Defined Sets and Structures
- String Concatenation(∙)
- Basis Step: w ∈ Σ* → w∙λ = w
- Recursive Step:
- (w1 ∈ Σ* ∧ w2 ∈ Σ* ∧ x ∈ Σ) → w1 ∙(w2x) = (w1∙w2)x
- Length of a String
- l(w): the length of string w
- Basis Step: 𝑙(𝜆) = 0
- Recursive Step: 𝑤 ∈ ∑∗ ∧ 𝑥 ∈ ∑ → 𝑙(𝑤𝑥) = 𝑙(𝑤) +1
- Well-Formed Formula in Propositional Logic
- Basis Step: T, F, s(propositional variable): well-formed formula
- Recursive Step:
- E, F: well-formed formula → (¬ E), (E ∧ F), (E ∨ F), (E → F), (E ↔ F): well-formed formula
- Ex)
- ((p ∨q) → (q ∧ F)) well-formed formula임을 증명
- Basis Step: T, F, p, q: well-formed formula
- Recursive Step:
- (p ∨ q), (p → F), (F → q), (q ∧ F): well-formed formula
- ((p ∨ q) → (q ∧ F)): well-formed formula
- Rooted Trees
- a set of vertices
- root(distinguished vertex)
- edges
- connecting vertices
- Basis Step: r(single vertex) = rooted tree
- Recursive Step:
- Suppose that T1, T2, … Tn are disjoint rooted trees with roots r1, r2, … rn respectively
- root r 에서 각 vertices r1, r2,…rn에 edge를 추가 -> a new rooted tree
- Set increased by using recursive step
- a set of vertices
- Full Binary Trees
- 모든 노드가 0개(leaf case) 혹은 2개의 vertices을 가짐(specific case)
- Basis Step: r(single vertex) = rooted tree
- Recursive Step:
- Suppose that T1, T2 are disjoint full binary trees.
- 왼쪽 subtree T1과 오른쪽 subtree T2의 각 roots에 루트 r을 연결하는 edge + 루트 r
-> a new full binary tree
- Induction and Recursively Defined Sets
- mathematical induction 사용하여 recursively defined sets에 대하 결과를 증명