- Graphs
- G = (V, E)
- V: a nonempty set of vertices
- E: a set of edges
- edge는 1개 혹은 2개 vertices를 가짐: endpoints
- edge: endpoints을 연결
- Ex) V = {a, b, c, d}, E = { {a,b}, {c,a}, {b,c}, {b,d}, {d,c} }
- G = (V, E)
- Simple graph
- only one edge
- Multigraphs
- multiple edges
- multiplicity m: edge 갯수
- no loop
- Loop
- connect itself
- Pseudograph
- multigraphs + include loops
- Directed Graphs
- G = (V, E)
- V: a nonempty set of vertices
- E: a set of directed edges (ordered pair of vertices)
- (𝑢, 𝑣): start at 𝑢 and end at 𝑣
- 𝑢: initial vertex
- 𝑣: terminal vertex
- G = (V, E)
- Simple directed graph
- no loops and no multiple edges
- (b, c) ≠ (c, b)
- Directed multigraph
- multiple directed edges
- multiplicity m: directed edges 갯수
Graph Terminology
- adjacent (or neighbors)
- two vertices 𝑢, 𝑣 in an undirected graph 𝐺
- 𝑢 —— 𝑣
- neighborhood
- the set of all neighbors a vertex 𝑣 of G = (V, E)
- N(𝑣)
- if A is a subset of V, N(A) = ⋃𝑣∈A 𝑁(𝑣)
- Degree
- vertex에 연결되어 있는 edge 갯수 + loop(2개)
- deg(𝑣)
- Theorem 1(Handshaking Theorem)
- 2m = ∑v∈V deg(v)
- m = |E|
- Theorem 2
- undirected graph의 odd degree의 vertices의 갯수는 짝수
- In-degree, Out-degree
- in-degree of a vertex 𝑣: deg-(𝑣)
- 𝑣에서 끝나는 edge 개수
- out-degree of vertex 𝑣: deg+(𝑣)
- 𝑣에서 시작하는 edge 개수
- loop는 in-degree, out-degree 둘 다 카운트
- in-degree of a vertex 𝑣: deg-(𝑣)
- Theorem 3
- |E| = ∑v∈V deg-(v) = ∑v∈V deg+(v)
Special Types of graphs
- Complete Graphs
- Kn (n vertices)
- 모든 vertices와 neighborhood
- Cycles
- Cn (n vertices, n≥ 3)
- edges: {𝒗𝟏, 𝑣2}, {𝑣2, 𝑣3} , ⋯ , {𝑣n-1, 𝑣𝑛}, {𝑣𝑛, 𝒗𝟏}.
- Wheels
- Cn + 모든 vertices를 연결하는 vertex
- n-Cubes
- 2^n vertices (n: bit strings of length)
- Bipartite Graphs
- 인접한 vertex끼리 서로 다른 색으로 칠해서 모든 vertices을 두 가지 색으로만 칠할 수 있는 그래프.
- Complete Bipartite Graphs
- Km,n
- Bipartite Graphs G에서 V1 의 모든 노드들이 V2의 모든 노드들에 인접
- Subgraph
- G =(V, E), H = (W, F), 𝑊 ⊂ 𝑉 and 𝐹 ⊂ 𝐸
- H는 G의 subgraph (𝐻 ≠ 𝐺)
- Union of two simple graphs
- The union of G1 and G2: 𝐺1 ⋃ 𝐺2
- the simple graph with vertex set 𝑉1 ⋃ 𝑉2 and edge set 𝐸1 ⋃ 𝐸2
- The union of G1 and G2: 𝐺1 ⋃ 𝐺2