Proofs (Rules of Inference)
Prove: the Socrates Example is valid (using the rules of inference)
Arguments in propositional logic
- a sequence of propositions
- premises (all proposition except final)
- conclusion(∴) (last proposition)
The argument is valid if the premises imply the conclusion
Argument form with premises p1, p2, … pn and conclusion q is valid
when (p1 ∧ p2 ∧ … ∧ pn) -> q is a tautology
Rules of Inference for Propositional Logic
Modus Ponens(MP, 긍정논법)
= implication elimination(함의소거)
= affirming the antecedent(전건긍정)
- 가언 명제(만약if,”→”)와 그 전제로부터 그 결론을 유도해내는 추론 규칙
- (“만약 P이면, Q이다”와 “P이다”)에서 “Q이다”를 추론
- (𝑝∧(𝑝→𝑞))→𝑞
Modus Tollens(MT, 부정논법)
= denying the consequent(후건부정)
- 가언 명제와 그 결론의 부정으로부터 그 전제의 부정을 유도하는 추론 규칙
- (“만약 P라면, Q이다”. 그런데 “Q가 아니다”.) 따라서 “P가 아니다”를 추론
- (¬𝑞∧(𝑝→𝑞))→¬𝑝
- Contrapositive(대우)
(¬q∧(¬q→¬p)) → ¬p
Hypothetical Syllogism(가언적 삼단 논법)
- 두 개의 가언 명제로부터 추이성을 통해 새로운 가언 명제를 유도하는 삼단 논법
- “만약 P라면, Q이다. 만약 Q라면, R이다. 따라서, 만약 P라면, R이다.”
- ((𝑝→𝑞)∧(𝑞→𝑟)) →(𝑝→𝑟 )
Disjunctive Syllogism(선언적 삼단 논법)
- 선언 명제(또는or)와 이를 이루는 두 명제 가운데 하나에 대한 부정으로부터 다른 한 명제를 유도하는 삼단 논법
- “P가 참이거나 Q가 참이다. 그런데 P는 참이 아니다. 따라서 Q가 참이다.”
- (¬𝑝∧(𝑝∨𝑞)) →𝑞
Addition(가산 논법)
Or Operator 에서 Add
Simplification(단순화 논법)
And Operator 에서 Simplification
Conjunction(논리곱 논법)
- ((𝑝)∧(𝑞))→(𝑝∧𝑞)
- ((¬𝑝∨𝑟) ∧ (𝑝∨𝑞)) → (𝑞∨𝑟)
Valid Arguments
“It is not sunny this afternoon and it is colder than yesterday.” (¬p ∧ q)
“If we go swimming then it is sunny.” (r → p)
“If we do not go swimming, then we will take a canoe trip.” (¬r → s)
“If we take a canoe trip, then we will be home by sunset.” (s → t)
Hypotheses: ¬p ∧ q, r → p, ¬r → s, s → t
p: It is sunny this afternoon
q: it is colder than yesterday
r: we will go swimming
s: we will take a canoe trip
t: we will be home by sunset
Step Reason 1. ¬p∧q Premise 2. ¬p Simplification using (1) 3. r→p Premise 4. ¬r Modus tollens using (2) and (3) 5. ¬r→s Premise 6. s Modus ponens using (4) and (5) 7. s→t Premise 8. t(Conclusion) Modus ponens using (6) and (7)
Handling Quantified Statements
- Universal Instantiation (UI, 전칭 예시화)
- 모든 x 에 대하여 P(x) 가 참이면, P(c) 는 참이다.
- Universal Generalization (UG, 전칭 일반화)
- 임의의 c 에 대하여 P(c) 가 참이면, 모든 x 에 대해 P(x) 는 참이다.
- Existential Instantiation (EI, 존재 예시화)
- “There is someone who ~”
- Existential Generalization (EG, 존재 일반화)
- Conclusion
- John Smith has two legs
- Premises
- Every man has two legs -> ∀x(M(x) → L(x))
- John Smith is a man -> M(John)
- Solution
- M(x): x is a man
- L(x): x has two legs
- ∀x(M(x) -> L(x)): Premise
- M(John) -> L(John): UI
- M(John): Premise
- L(John): Modus Ponens
- Conclusion
- Someone who passed the first exam has not read the book
- Premises
- A student in this class has not read the book -> ∃x((C(x) ∧ ¬B(x))
- Everyone in this class passed the first exam -> ∀x(C(x) → P(x))
- Solution
- C(x): x is in this class
- B(x): x has read the book
- P(x): x passed the first exam
- ∃x((C(x) ∧ ¬B(x)): Premise
- C(Someone) ∧ ¬B(Someone): EI
- C(Someone): Simplification
- ∀x(C(x) → P(x)): Premise
- C(Someone) -> P(Someone): UI
- P(Someone): MP
- ¬B(Someone): Simplification (2)
- P(Someone) ∧ ¬B(Someone): Conjunction
- ∃x((P(x) ∧ ¬B(x)): EG
#3. Socartes Example
- Conclusion
- Socrates is mortal
- Premises
- All men are mortal -> ∀x(Man(x) → Mortal(x))
- Socrates is a man -> Man(Socrates)
- Solution
- Man(x): x is a man
- Mortal(x): x is mortal
- ∀x(Man(x) → Mortal(x)): Premise
- Man(Socrates) -> Mortal(Socrates): UI
- Man(Socrates): Premise
- Mortal(Socrates): MP
- Universal Modus Ponens
- UI + MP
- be used in the Socrates example.