
1 분 소요


= mappings or transformations

f: A → B: function f from A to B

  • A의 각 element는 B의 오직 한 element만 가짐
  • f(a) = b
    • b: image of a
    • a: preimage of b
  • AxB(cartesian product)의 subset(relation)으로 정의 가능
    • But! 첫번째 element가 같으면 안돼!
      • (a, b), (a, d) (X)
  • A: domain
  • B: codomain
  • range of f: the set of all images of points in A = subset of codomain
  • A=B ↔︎
    • same domain
    • same codomain
    • f(a)=f(b)=x

Injections (단사함수, 일대일 함수)

  • one-to-one or injective ↔︎
  • f(a) = f(b) → a = b
    • Not Injective
      f(a) = z
      f(c) = z
      f(a) = f(c)
      a ≠ c

Surjections (전사 함수)

  • onto or surjective ↔︎
  • ∀b(∃a(f(a)=b)) (b∈B, a∈A)
  • 모두 짝이 맞을 때
    • Not surjective
      f(?) = v

Bijections (전단사 함수, 일대일 대응)

  • one-to-one correspondence or bijection
  • both one-to-one and onto (injective and surjective)

Showing that F is one-to-one or onto

  • To show that f is injective
    • f(x) = f(y) → x = y
  • To show that f is not injective
    • f(x) = f(y) ∩ x ≠ y
  • To show that f is surjective
    • f(x) = y
  • To show that f is not surjective
    • f(x) ≠ y

Inverse functions

  • A, B: bijection → 스크린샷 2022-09-26 오후 7 54 49 (inverse of f)
    • f가 bijection이 아니면 No Inverse
    • 스크린샷 2022-09-26 오후 7 57 48


  • f ○ g : the composition of f with g
    • f ○ g(x) = f(g(x))

Some Important Functions

  • The floor function (내림)
    • f(x) = ⎣x⎦
    • x보다 작거나 같은 integer 중 가장 큰 integer
  • The ceiling function (올림)
    • f(x) = ⎡x⎤
    • x보다 크거나 같은 integer 중 가장 작은 integer


x is a real number → ⎣2x⎦ = ⎣x⎦ + ⎣x + 1/2⎦

  • Sol)
    x = n + 𝜀 (n: integer, 0 ≤ 𝜀 < 1)
    • Case 1: 𝜀 < 1/2
      • ⎣2x⎦ =⎣2n + 2𝜀⎦ = 2n
      • ⎣x + 1/2⎦ = ⎣n + 𝜀 + 1/2 ⎦ = n
      • ⎣2x⎦= 2n , ⎣x⎦+⎣x + 1/2⎦ = 2n
    • Case 2: 𝜀 ≥ 1/2
      • ⎣2x⎦ =⎣2n + 2𝜀⎦ = 2n + 1
      • ⎣x + 1/2⎦ = ⎣n + 𝜀 + 1/2 ⎦ = n + 1
      • ⎣2x⎦= 2n+1 , ⎣x⎦+⎣x + 1/2⎦ = n + (n+1) = 2n+1

Factorial Function

  • f(n) = n!
  • 1부터 n까지 양의 정수의 곱 (n: nonnegative number)
  • f(n) = 1•2 ••• (n-1) • n, f(0) = 0! = 1
  • Stirling’s Formula
    스크린샷 2022-09-26 오후 8 24 24

