Summations & Cardinality & Matrices
- Sum of the terms
- Notation
- Represent
- variable j: index of summation
- m: lower limit
- n: upper limit
- Represent
for a set S
- If S = {2, 5, 7, 10}
- a2 + a5 + a7+ a10 ≠ 2 + 5 + 7 +10
- S: a set of indices
- Notation
Geometric Series
- Sums of terms of geometric progressions(등비수열)
Cardinality of Sets
- Cardinality
- |A| = |B| ↔︎ one-to-one correspondence(bijection)
- Countable
- finite set
- infinite set (Countably infinite)
- 양의 정수(Z+) 집합과 같은 cardinality를 갖는 무한 집합
- |A| = |Z+| = ℵ0
- ↔︎ 무한 집합 중에서 자신의 원소들을 양의 정수로 index를 달면서 순서대로 나열할 수 있는 경우
- ℵ0 (aleph): countably infinite’s cardinality
- |S| = ℵ0 : aleph null
- 양의 정수(Z+) 집합과 같은 cardinality를 갖는 무한 집합
Showing that a Set is Countable
- 집합이 countable임을 증명
- f is a one-to-one correspondence(bijection) from N to a set S
- show that it is one-to-one
- f(n) = f(m) -> n = m
- show that it is onto
- f(x) = y
- show that it is one-to-one
- f is a one-to-one correspondence(bijection) from N to a set S
Countable Sets and Uncountable sets
- Countable Sets
- set of finite strings = countably infinite
- set of all Java programs
- the positive rational numbers(유리수)
- Uncountable sets
- the real numbers(실수) (R)
Illustration of Matrix Multiplication
Identity Matrix and Powers of Matrices
- Identity Matrix (항등 행렬) In
- 주대각선의 원소가 모두 1이며 나머지 원소는 모두 0인 정사각 행렬
- AIn = ImA = A (결과 = A matrix로 같다)
- Powers of square matrices
- A^0 = In
- A^r = AAA…A (r times)
Transposes of Matrices
: m x n matrix
- Transpose of A
: n x m matrix
- for i = 1, 2, … , n and j = 1, 2, …, m
- square matrix A
→ symmetric
- for i and j with 1≤i≤n and 1≤j≤n
- for i and j with 1≤i≤n and 1≤j≤n
Zero-One Matrices
- zero-one matrix
- 모든 항목이 0 or 1
Joins and Meets of Zero-One Matrices
- Joins and Meets
The join of A and B
The meet of A and B
Boolean Product of Zero-One Matrices
- A = [aij] : m x k zero-one matrix
- B = [bij] : k x n zero-one matrix
- The Boolean product of A and B
- A ⊙ B : m x n zero-one matrix
- Ex)