[iOS 출시 에러] Encountered error while creating the IPA

최대 1 분 소요

강제종료 이슈

$ flutter build ipa

Archiving com.cra.hanBab...
Automatically signing iOS for device deployment using specified development team in Xcode project: KBWF5DN24T
Running Xcode build...

└─Compiling, linking and signing...                        23.5s
Xcode archive done.                                         342.0s
Built /Users/admin/Desktop/hanbab/HanBab-main/build/ios/archive/Runner.xcarchive.

[✓] App Settings Validation
• Version Number: 1.0.0
• Build Number: 1
• Display Name: 한밥
• Deployment Target: 12.0
• Bundle Identifier: com.cra.hanBab

To update the settings, please refer to 

Building App Store IPA...                                          94.0s
Encountered error while creating the IPA:

Try distributing the app in Xcode: "open

open /Users/admin/Desktop/hanbab/HanBab-main/build/ios/archive/Runner.xcarchive 하고 distribute 해도 안됨..

로그 확인

$ flutter build ipa --verbose

allocation too small? AllocationSize: 19 String: ‘한밥.ipa’
=> Build name이 한글로 되어있었기 때문!!

