Ch 3. Arithmetic for computers - (4)
4. Floating point number arithmetic
4. Floating point number arithmetic
3. Division
2. Multiplication
1. Addition and Subtraction
Summations Summations Sum of the terms Notation Represent variable j: index of summation m: lower lim...
6. Supporting Procedure Call
5. MIPS Instruction Format & Addressing Modes
Introduction Sequences ordered lists of elements Sequence(수열) function from a subset of the integers to a set S ...
Introduction Image Segmentation method object를 배경과 분리 모든 배경영역 = black boundary rectangle을 object에 꽉차게 그린다.
Introduction image/video segmentation 디지털 영상을 여러개의 영역으로 분할 응용 Object classification 눈으로는 구별할 수 없지만 밝기값 측면에서 유사한 값들을 0/255 ...