BizFlow M -(3)
1-3 What is AppDev Data Modeler?
What does AppDev Data Modeler do?
- Data Modeler
- data 조작tool
- Left-hand panel
- Canvas (navigation tab)
- the right-hand panel
- publishing bar
- data 조작tool
- Publication Bar
- toolbar 같이 생김
- Data Modeler에서 만든 data entities와 다른 기능을 저장 및 publishing
- lock button
- 변화에 민감
- 공동작업자중 한명만 access 가능
- Left-Hand Panel
- holding the different schemas within project
- 새로 추가한 data entity가 추가됨
- Canvas
- where all the work is done
- 캔버스 상단의 각 탭에는 데이터 엔티티를 형성하고 모델링할 수 있는 고유한 기능 세트가 존재
- Right-Hand Panel
- 현재 떠 있는 tab에 따라 어떻게 생겼는지 달라진다.
- sometimes return information
- sometimes return a list of functions
- sometimes 아무것도 안뜸
Main Features(Tabs)
11 disparate categories
- Entity / Group
- manage your list of data entities(or data entity groups)
- create, update, and delete data entities
- Component
- connect the data entities to a desired component
- add special attributes to these components that alter the way the data is entered and saved
- Relationship
- assign functions that specify the relationship one entity has with another
- expressed in code format calculating or validating values of an entity
- Validation
- assign functions that validate whether a value entered into the data entity is valid or not
- Global Option
- designate functions, themes, layouts, and etc that are applied to the entire Project
- importing in custom components or external resources / API that might be needed for your project
- PV Mapping
- map data entities to process variables
- pass on the values from the data entities created within AppDev and store it in a Process Variable
- API Integration Manager
- manage external API or SQL queries
- integrate external data(database) into form or application
- LookUp Manager
- manage the data that can be used in LookUp Entity
- create the values that users can select in a LookUp Entity
- File Manager
- upload images, CSS, JS, PDF, and other files you want to use in your application.
- I18N Manager
- supports the use of defining a label or message in multiple languages
- Context Manager
- Define “state” values for each project