Ch 4. The Processor - (3)
3. A Simple Implementation Scheme
Operation/Instruction Format Summary
- Add, sub, and, or
- add rd, rs, rt
- and rd, rs, rt
- Load, store
- lw rt, rs, imm16
- sw rt, rs, imm16
- Branch
- beq rs, rt, imm16
R-type + (Load or Store) + Branch + PC
Detailed Design of Control
- Control Signal Types
- 수행할 operations 선택(ALU, read/write…)
- 데이터 흐름 제어 (selecting multiplexer inputs)
- instruction의 32bits -> information
- ALU opearation: op.code + function code
ALU Control
- output: 4-bit ALU control input
- 0010: ADD
- 0110: SUB
- input:
- ALUop
- 00 = lw, sw = need ‘add’ op
- 01 = beq = need ‘sub’ op
- 10 = arithmetic =
- function code
- ALUop
Instruction opcode |
Function field |
Instruction Operation |
ALUOp | Desired ALU action |
ALU control Input |
LW | XXXXXX | load word | 00 | add | 0010 |
SW | XXXXXX | store word | 00 | add | 0010 |
Branch equal | XXXXXX | branch equal | 01 | subtract | 0110 |
R-type | 100000 | add | 10 | add | 0010 |
R-type | 100010 | subtract | 10 | add | 0110 |
R-type | 100100 | AND | 10 | and | 0000 |
R-type | 100101 | OR | 10 | or | 0001 |
R-type | 101010 | set on less than | 10 | set on less than | 0111 |
A Single Clock Implementation
= A simple Cycle Implementation
= 모든 instructions는 one clock cycle에 실행
= 한 instruction에 한 resource만 사용
= instruction Memory과 data Memory의 분리 & several adders 필요
R-format instructions dataflow
- add, sub, and, or, slt instructions
- RegDst: 1 (to select Rd)
- RegWrite: 1 (to enable writing Rd)
- ALUSrc: 0 (to select Rt value from register file)
- ALUOp: Dependent on operation
- add: 0010
- sub: 0110
- slt: 0111
- and: 0000
- or: 0001
- MemWrite: 0 (to disable writing memory)
- MemRead: 0 (to disable reading memory)
- MemtoReg: 0 (to select ALU output to register)
- PCSrc: 0 (to select next PC)
I-format instructions dataflow
- RegDst: 0 (to select Rt)
- RegWrite: 1 (to enable writing Rt)
- ALUSrc: 1 (to select immediate field value from instruction)
- ALUOp: add
- MemWrite: 0 (to disable writing memory)
- MemRead: 1 (to disable reading memory)
- MemtoReg: 1 (to select memory output to register)
- PCSrc: 0 (to select next PC)
- RegDst: X (don’t care)
- RegWrite: 0 (to disable writing a register)
- ALUSrc: 1 (to select immediate field value from instruction)
- ALUOp: add
- MemWrite: 1 (to enable writing memory)
- MemRead: 0 (to disable reading memory)
- MemtoReg: X (don’t care)
- PCSrc: 0 (to select next PC)
- RegDst: X (don’t care)
- RegWrite: 0 (to disable writing a register)
- ALUSrc: 0 (to select Rt value from register file)
- ALUOp: sub
- MemWrite: 0 (to disable writing memory)
- MemRead: 0 (to disable reading memory)
- MemtoReg: X (don’t care)
- PCSrc: zero AND branch
Our Single Cycle Control Structure
- All of the logic is combinational
- PC, Reg 제외, Memory는 보류(5장)
- ALU는 바로 right answer를 만들지 못함
- propogation delay로 인해 어느정도 시간이 흐른 뒤에 state element2 앞에 나타남
- clock이 뛰어야 State element2에 값이 저장
- clock과 write signal로 write를 결정
- Cycle time은 Longest path(critical path)의 길이의 결정
- clock period > critical path
Single Cycle Implementation Performance
- memory (200ps)
- ALU and adders (100ps)
- register file access(50ps)
- Clock Cycle time with single clock: longest instruction = 600ps
- clock period = 최소 600ps
- CPI = 1
- Clock cycle Per Instruction = single clock cycle = 1
- Execution Time = #instruction * CPI * Clock Cycle Time = #instruction * 600ps
Single Cycle Problems
- floating point 같은 복잡한 instruction
- chip area의 낭비
- Add ALU 낭비
- Solution
- cycle time smaller
- clock period smaller
- different instructions은 different numbers of cycles를 가짐
- => Multicycle datapath