Ch 2. Instructions: Language of the Computer -(2)

1 분 소요

1. Introduction to Instruction Set Architecture

- The number of operands

Number of Operands

  • Three Operands (MIPS Normally)
    • ADD A, B, C
      • Destination: A
      • Sources: B and C
      • (A ← B + C) or (C ← A + B)
  • Two Operands
    • ADD A, B
      • Destination: A
      • Sources: A and B
      • (A ← A + B)
  • One Operand
    • ADD A
      • Destination: AC(Accumulator)
      • Sources: A and AC
      • (AC ← AC + A)
    • LD(Load) A
      • Destination: AC
      • Source: A
      • (AC ← A)
  • Zero Operand
    • PUSH A (TOS(Top Of Stack) ← A)
    • PUSH B (TOS ← B)
    • ADD (TOS ← A+B)
      • do not need an address field -> Zero Operand
    • POP C (C ← TOS)

The number of address field

Ex) op code: 5 bits, each address fields: 12 bits
→ 3 addr. inst. mach. : 5 + 3x12 = 41bits
→ 2 addr. inst. mach. : 5 + 2x12 = 29bits
→ 1 addr. inst. mach. : 5 + 1x12 = 17bits

=> address↑ bus(Processor와 Memory간의 이동) wider, instructions의 개수↓
컴퓨터는 기본적으로 32bits (MIPS) → 버스는 한번에 32bits까지 옮길 수 있다.
→ 32bits보다 큰 경우 bits를 쪼개거나 더 큰 버스를 이용 -> 더 큰 Cost발생


Z = (A+B)/C
instruction이 줄어들면 연산량이 줄어든다

  • Three Operands
    • ADD Z,A,B (Z←A+B)
      DIV Z,Z,C (Z←Z/C)

    • ADD A,A,B (A←A+B)
      DIV Z,A,C (Z←A/C)
      => A 원본의 손상

  • Two Operands
    ‘MOV(move)’, ‘CLR(clear)’ extra instruction
    T(temp extra space)
    • MOV T,A (T←A)
      ADD T,B (T←T+B)
      DIV T,C (T←T(A+B)/C)
      MOV Z,T (Z←T)

    • MOV Z,A (Z←A)
      ADD Z,B (Z←Z+B)
      DIV Z,C (Z ← Z/C)

    • CLR Z (Z=0)
      ADD Z,A (Z←Z+A)
      ADD Z,B (Z←Z+B)
      DIV Z,C (Z←Z/C)

  • One operand
    • MOV A (AC←A)
      ADD B (AC←AC(A)+B)
      DIV C (AC←AC(A+B)/C)
      MOV Z (Z←AC)
      => definition problem

    • LOAD A (AC←A)
      ADD B (AC←AC+B)
      DIV C (AC←AC/C)
      STORE Z (Z←AC)

  • Zero operand
    • PUSH A (TOS←A)
      PUSH B (TOS←B)
      ADD (TOS←A+B)
      PUSH C (TOS←C)
      DIV (TOS←(A+B)/C)
      POP Z (Z←TOS)

