Ch 2. Instructions: Language of the Computer -(6)
3. MIPS Design Principles
- Goals of instruction set design for MIPS
- Maximize performance
- Minimize cost
- Reduce design time (of compiler and hardware)
- RISC: By the simplicity of Hardware
MIPS Register Model
- 32 x 32bits General Purpose Registers(범용 레지스터) (Integer)
- R0 always = 0
- R0~R31 : 32Bits register
- 32 x 32 bits Floating Point Registers
- 16 x 64 bits (double precision)
- even reg: less-significant word
- odd reg: more-significant word
- HI (32bits), LO(32bits)
- 곱하기(총 64bits) 나누기(Q, R) 때 사용
- PC(Program Counter)
Register Naming Convention
- R0~R31
- R0: $zero constant 0
- R2~R7: function call
- R2~R3: return
- R4~R7: parameters, arguments
- R8~R25: user가 assembly language를 쓸 때 사용
Memory Structure
- Byte addressable
- 주소를 갖고있는 최소 단위가 byte
- 1 address = 8 bits
- Word addressable
- 잘 보이지 않고 쓰이지 않음
- 1 word가 갖는 bits는 컴퓨터마다 다름(MIPS: 32bits)
- word마다 주소를 줌
- MIPS에서는 byte마다 주소를 가지고 있음 1word = 32bits = 4bytes
- 0~3: word0
- 4~7: word1
MIPS Design Principles
1. Simplicity favors Regularity
- Most of arithmetic/logic instructions have 3 operands
- 순서는 고정(destination first)
- Ex)
- MIPS: ADD C, A, B (C = A+B)
- MIPS: SUB C, A, B (C = A-B)
2. Smaller is faster
- arithmetic/logic instructions 의 경우 register를 사용 (register addressing mode)
- Ex)
- MIPS: add $s0, $s1, $s2
- MIPS: only 32 registers (limited)
- register의 개수가 늘어남 -> hardware가 복잡 -> propagation delay ↑
-> clock cycle time ↑
- register의 개수가 늘어남 -> hardware가 복잡 -> propagation delay ↑
3. Make common case fast
- Constants는 꽤 자주 operands로 쓰인다.
- Ex)
- MIPS: A = A+1, B = A - 5
- Sol1) 메모리에 할당 and load from memory
- Memory access: 시간이 오래 걸림
- 많이 안쓰이는 상수에 대해 고려
- Sol2) 자주 쓰는 register만 create hard-wired register
- R0 = $zero = constant 0
- Sol3) instruction안에 넣는 방법 (Immediate addressing mode)
- MIPS: ADDI $3, $3, 1 (A= A+1)
- 작은 상수를 instruction 안에 두면 메모리에서 프로세서로 실행하기 위해 load
- 메모리에 두는 것보다 더 빨리 access
- register의 낭비 감소
4. Good design demands a compromise
- Machine language structure:
- Length: 32bits (Design Principle 1)
- R-type format
- ADD $t0, $s1, $s2
- $t0 -> rd = R8
- $t1 -> rs = R17
- $t2 -> rt = R18
- ADD -> op, funct(0,32)
- 문제점:
- 1000 -> 2^10 -> 10bits 필요 (표현불가)
- I-type format: for Immediate value
- ADDI $s0, $s1, 4
- $s0 -> rt = R16
- $s1 -> rs = R17
- ADDI -> op = R8
- 4 -> constant