Ch 2. Instructions: Language of the Computer -(7)
4. MIPS Instruction Set
Arithmetic / Logic instructions
- Arithmetic Instructions
- ADD $s0, $s1, $s2 # $s0←$s1 + $s2
- ADDI $s0, $s1, 100 # $s0←$s1 + 100
- SUB $s0, $s1, $s2 # $s0←$s1 - $s2
- MULT $s1, $s2 # Hi, Lo←$s1 * $s2
- DIV $s1, $s2 # Hi, Lo←$s1 / $s2
- MFHI $s1 # $s1←Hi
- MFLO $s1 # $s1←Lo
- MF(Move From)
- Logical Instructions
- AND $s0, $s1, $s2 # $s0 ← $s1 bitwise-AND $s2
- OR $s0, $s1, $s2 # $s0 ← $s1 bitwise-AND $s2
- ANDI $s0, $s1, 31 # $s0 ← $s1 bitwise-AND 31
- ORI $s0, $s1, 32 # $s0 ← $s1 bitwise-OR 32
- NOR $s0, $s1, $s2 # $s0 ← $s1 bitwise-NOR $s2
- SLL(Shift Left Logic) $s0, $s1, 10 # $s0 ← $s1 « 10 (shift left logical)
- SRL(Shift Right Logic) $s0, $s1, 10 # $s0 ← $s1 » 10 (shift right logical)
Data transfer instructions
- Data structures은 메모리에 상주
- arithmetic/logic operation은 register에서 발생
- Memory와 Register간의 Data transfer 필요
- register 끼리도 Data transfer 필요
- MIPS: Only two instruction for Memory Access
- Load Instruction(lw, ld..)
- LW $s1, 8($s0)
- : $s1 <- Memory[$s0 + 8]
- 4 Bytes [$s0+8], [$s0+9], [$s0+10], [$s0+11]
- if $s0 = 10
- 18,19,20,21 번지 주소의 값들을 $s1에 불러옴
- LW $s1, 8($s0)
- Save Instruction(sw)
- SW $s1, 12($s0)
- : Memory[$s0 + 12] <- $s1
- SW $s1, 12($s0)
- RISC architecture 특징
- Load Instruction(lw, ld..)
- Ex) A[8] = h + A[8]
lw $t0, 32($s3) add $t0, $s2, $t0 sw $t0, 32($s3)
$s3: Address of A
$s2: h
32 = 8 * 4bytes (= word size) - Base Register Addressing ([R] + Offset)
- Base Register: $s3
- Offset: 32
Control Instructions
- Conditional branch instructions
- BEQ (Branch if EQual)
- BEQ $s1, $s2, label
- if ($s1 == $s2) PC = TargetAddress
- I Type
- op = 4
- 16bits = offset(word count)
- BNE (Branch if Not Equal)
- BNE $s1, $s2, label
- if ($s1 ≠ $s2) PC = TargetAddress
- I Type
- op = 5
- 16bits = offset(word count)
- SLT (Set Less Than)
- SLT $t0, $s1, $s2
- if ($s1 < $s2) then $t0 = 1 else $t0 = 0
- R Type
- op = 0, func = 42
- SLTI (Set Less Than Immediate)
- SLTI $s1, $s2, 100
- if ($s2 < 100) then $s1 = 1 else $s1 =0
- I Type
- constant = 100
- BEQ (Branch if EQual)
- Unconditional branch instructions
- Jump시 PC는 새로운 값을 설정
- J (Jump)
- target address로 jump
- J 1000(label)
- PC ← 1000
- J Type
- op = 2 (6bits)
- traget address (26bits)
- JR (Jump Register)
- JR $ra
- PC ← $ra
- R Type
- op = 0, func = 8
- rs = 31 ($r1: 31번 Reg)
- JAL (Jump And Link)
- JAL 1000
- $ra ← PC
- PC ← 1000
- J Type
- op = 3
- Control Instruction
- Beq / Bne $t0, $t1, 16 bit Offset
- PC (Target Address) ← PC + Offsetx4
- J / Jal 26 bit address
- PC (Target Address) ← PC(31:28)(4bits) && (address « 2)
- shift left 2 («2)
- Jr $t0 (reg: 32bits)
- PC (Target Address) ← $t0
- bits가 클수록 더 멀리 Jump
- Out of range인 경우 더 멀리 jump할 수 있는 Instruction을 사용
- Beq / Bne $t0, $t1, 16 bit Offset