Ch 2. Instructions: Language of the Computer -(8)
5. MIPS Instruction Format & Addressing Modes
Machine Language Structure (MIPS)
- Represent: 0/1 (binary code)
- Length: 32 bits (Design Principle 1)
- Formats: 3 types
R-type Instruction Format
- for arithmetic and logic instructions
- 모든 R-type instruction, op code = 0
- function code: operation 구분(ADD, SUB..)
I-type Instruction Format
- for immediate value(constant value or address)
J-type Instruction Format
- 16bits보다 더 필요
- J, JAL
- PC[31:28] 4bits
- 고정
- PC[27:2] 26bits
- 직접 Label이 있는 곳의 위치 언급(주소값)
- PC[1:0]
- MIPS - byte addressable
- 1 word = 4 bytes
- x4 = « 2 (left shift)
Op-code & Function 표
Stored Program Concept
- 폰 노이만 아키텍쳐
- Two Principles
- Instructions are represented as numbers(0/1)
- Programs(Instruction sets) are stored in memory
- Memory에서 숫자(0/1)로 되어 있는 Instructions를 한 문장씩 Processor에 가져가 실행
Fetch & Execute Cycle
- Fetch: Memory에서 Processor로 instructions의 이동
- 정확히는 Processor 안의 Instruction Register(IR)로 이동
- Register 안에 있는 Content에 따라 다음 액션을 control
- 다시 다음 instruction을 fetch (Cycle)
- Control Transfer Instructions
- control flow 바꿈
- 실행해야 할 다음 instruction 변경
- → PC register
- 다음 instruction이 있는 메모리 위치를 point
- LUI (Load Upper immediate instruction)
- Breaking large constants into pieces and then reassemble them into a register
- Ex) 32-bit constant “0x003D 0900”
- LUI $t0, 0x003D -> t0: 003D 0000
- ORI $s0, $t0, 0x0900 -> s0: 003D 0900
- 재조립시 upper part 16bits 판단 방법 (???? 0900)
- Sign Extension
- Arithmetic
- addi $s1, $t0, 0x000f -> sign bit = 0, 16bits 모두 0
- addi $s, $t0, -4 -> sign bit = 1, 16bits 모두 1
- Zero Extension
- Logic
- 16bits 모두 0
Pseudo Instruction
- Pseudo instruction
- 원래 MIPS instruction set 안에는 없는데 assembly language로 쓰면은 마치 있는 것처럼 취급을 해서 action
- Copy
- Move $t0, $t1
- = add $t0, $t1, $zero
- Move $t0, $t1
- Branch if Less Than
- BLT $t0, $t1, L
- if ($t0 < $t1) goto L
- = slt $at, $t0, $t1
bne $at, $zero, L
- = slt $at, $t0, $t1
- Branch if Greater Than
- BGT $t0, $t1, L
- if ($t0 > $t1) goto L
- Branch if Greater (Less) Than or Equal to
- BGE $t0, $t1, L
- if ($t0 >= $t1) goto L
MIPS Addressing Modes
- Immediate addressing
- addi, andi, slti
- I-Type
- Register addressing
- add, mud, and, slt, sll
- R-Type
- Base addressing
- lw, sw
- PC-Relative addressing
- beq, bne
- Pseudo-direct addressing
- j, jal
- direct addressing mode와 비슷하지만 똑같지X
Pseudo Assembly Instruction
- li $rs, immediatamente: Load immediate value(immed) to $rs
- la $rs, addr: Load address(addr) to $rs
System call (syscall)
- consol window에 출력을 하거나 입력을 받을 때 사용
- 하고 싶은 action을 $v0 register에 load
- li $v0, 4
- li $v0, 1
- 4: print String
- 1: print Integer
- $a0 ~ $a3: load argument (floating-point: $f12)
- la $a0, str
- la $a0, 5