[예습] Basics of Color
Basics of Color
Primary colors of light(빛의 삼원색)
- Blue
- Green
- Red
Secondary colors of light(색의 삼원색)
- Magenta (red + blue)
- Yellow (red + green)
- Cyan (green + blue)
Achromatic color(무채색)
- Without color 색상 정보 존재x
- The ratio of each color component is same
Color Models
- R-channel
- G-channel
- B-channel
- 각각의 채널에 대한 intensity level = 256 [0 ~ 255]
- Red = (255, 0, 0)
- White = (255, 255, 255) -> 무채색
- Black = (0, 0, 0) -> 무채색
Achromatic color: Black과 White의 대각선
- Hue-channel
- the dominant wavelength in a mixture of light waves (색상)
- Saturation-channel
- the relative purity or the amount of white light mixed (채도)
- 색을 표현할 때 ‘연하다’, ‘진하다’, ‘탁하다’ 등과 같은 정도를 나타냄
- 흰색과 순수색의 혼합 비율(0 ~ 100%)
- S가 클수록 -> clear color
- Saturation = 0 = achromatic color
- Intensity-channel(Brightness)
- achromatic notion of intensity (명도)
- I가 클수록 -> bright color
- HSI ≅ HSV (Value) Similar or Same
Achromatic color: 도형의 심
Channel Model Range OpenCV Hue 원의 각도 0<H<360 0<H<180 Saturation 원의 반지름 0<S<1 0<S<255 Intensity 도형의 높이 0<V<1 0<V<255
YCbCr (or YUV)
- Y: Brightness (intensity level)
- Cb: Difference between blue value and brightness (B-Y)
- Cr: Difference between red value and brightness(R-Y)
Ex) B → Y ≒ B
→ B - Y > 0 (Normally) Y(Brightness) → (R+G+B)/3)
Grayscale image(흑백 사진)
- Hue, Saturation = 0
- The lightness(or brightness) is the only parameter
- 0(Black)-128(Gray)-255(White)